Solar Power: Commercial Installations

As well as providing for residential properties, solar panels are also beneficial for commercial properties! It can be a confusing procedure, clients often don’t know where to start, or question whether solar will work for them or would simply like information on the type of grants available to them. But don’t let this deter you! We can provide any help or assistance you require during the process of switching to solar.

Installing solar panels onto commercial property is continuously growing in popularity Business owners are becoming increasingly concerned about carbon emissions and realise that their buildings would benefit from a solar electric system. They offer substantial savings in energy, carbon and money and are the perfect starting point in a company’s journey to becoming Green.

We understand that installing solar panels can be a confusing procedure, and sometimes clients just don’t know where to start in regards to assessing their suitability for installing solar panels.

That’s where we come in.

A member of our team will visit your site, asses your needs and make recommendations from the information that we obtain. Help you to make decisions, provide quotations and provide necessary information.

No matter what condition your building is in, it is easy to integrate solar energy systems with little disruption, so we will work hard to find a solution that is right for you.

As with domestic products, the solar panels will be designed to fit to your building. Buildings that have high electricity consumption will benefit the most from a solar electric system. These include offices, schools, housing associations, councils and large flats buildings.

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